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The Qur’an and Social Studies Research Department

The Qur’an and Social Studies Research Department

The Research Department for Quran and Social Studies

The Quranic challenges and the use of the Quran to meet the needs of today’s Islamic and global community have made the researchers to focus on specialized Quran-oriented activities. Therefore, the research department “The Quran and Social Studies” was formed with long experience. This department by integrating the two previous centers namely “the department for quranic interpretation and sciences” which started its activities in 1990 and “the department for social studies of religion” which was active since 1992, has been carrying out its mission with a new approach.

Providing a scientific support for the new Islamic-Iranian civilization by conducting Quranic research related to social challenges.

Short-term Goals (two-year goals)
Study and research in the fields of:
1. The foundation and methods of social interpretation of the Holy Quran.
2. The model of social justice in the Holy Quran
3. New methods in understanding the social verses of The Holy Quran
4. The sociological investigation of justice based on the Quranic teachings

Long-term Goals
Study and research in the fields of:
1. The social lifestyle from the viewpoint of the Holy Quran
2. Sociology of Religiosity from the viewpoint of the Holy Quran
3. The social interpretation of the Holy Quran to create a new civilization
4. The social harm from the viewpoint of the Holy Quran and the ways to resolve them with regard to Islamic-Iranian civilization.